outdoor model photography toys

Sloth v sabre tooth

Robin Rowland 
A sabre tooth tiger stalks at ground sloth. (Robin Rowland)

The next in my project series recreating Charles R. Knight paintings using the Louis Marx toys from my childhood. In this case, a Sabre-toothed Cat or smilodon stalks a ground sloth (probably Megatheriidae)

Of all the toys I have painted for this project, for some reason the brown paints did not adhere completely in the original blue sloth toy.

Ground sloth (Robin Rowland)
Ground sloth (Robin Rowland)
Ground sloth (Robin Rowland)
Charles R. Knight painting of a ground sloth.
Ground sloth. (Robin Rowland)
The sabre tooth attacks the ground sloth. (Robin Rowland)
The Charles R. Knight painting of the sabre tooth attacking the ground sloth.

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A hadrosaur and Panoplosaurus

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Robin Rowland 

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