dinosaur toys

Knight’s 1897 hadrosaur

Robin Rowland 
A toy based on Charles Knight’s 1897 rendering of a Hadosaur (Robin Rowland)

In the 1950s, the Louis Marx toy company based its toy hadrosaur on one of Charles R. Knight’s first dinosaur images for the American Museum of Natural History, painted in 1897. The toy looks nothing like our modern understanding of the hadrosaur, although the image was still prevelant as late as the 1950s.

Hadrosaurus Charles Knight Gouache on paper, 1897
A toy “Trachodon” based on the Charles Knight painting. (Robin Rowland)

Knight created a second image in 1909 also for the American Museum of Natural History, where it was first called Trachodon, although again the pose is not considered correct today, that painting is the era’s rendering of a Anatosaurine, probably Edmontosaurus.

Dinosaur photography Trachodon (Robin Rowland)
Dinosaur photography Trachodon (Robin Rowland)

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dinosaur toys

Knight’s 1897 hadrosaur

In the 1950s, the Louis Marx toy company based its toy hadrosaur on one of Charles R. Knight’s first dinosaur images for the American Museum of Natural History, painted in 1897. The toy looks nothing like our modern understanding of the hadrosaur, although the image was still prevelant as late as the 1950s. Knight created […]

Robin Rowland 
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Robin Rowland 

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