Category: BC

The Flare

To modify an old saying(or curse) “May you live in interesting light.” Photography is all about light. Woke up just before 5 am this morning, looked out the window and the fog was so thick I could hardly see across the street. Then a few minutes later, the fog lifted. So images of the LNG […]

September skies

Kitmat BC’s official motto is “A Marvel of Nature and Industry.”   Even so I don’t get much of a chance to take a photograph that illustrates that idea.  September 9 did give me an opporunity.  A beautiful early fall night.   I first stepped out, the rising  31.1% waxing ccrescent moon  was over Douglas Channel,  along […]

A visit to the Nisga’a lava beds

I just returned from my trip to Prince Rupert and the Khutzeymateen when I was on the road again to the traditional territory of the Nisga’a Nation to see the Nisga’a Museum and the famous Nisga’a lava beds. The original trip by the Kitimat Museum and Archives was cancelled when Covid began and was rescheduled […]

Grizzly bears in Khutzeymateen

On May 29, 2024, I took the Prince Rupert Adventure Tours tour of the Khutzeymateen grizzly sanctuary. Here are the shots of the grizzlies, one black bear and the landscape. The first bear we spotted as a black bear at Tsampanaknok Bay. Then deeper in to the Khutzeymateen we spotted a grizzly swimming along the […]

Humpback Aurora, eagles, seagulls and sealions

On our return journey on May 29, 2024, on Prince Rupert Adventure Tours,  heading back to Rupert on Chatham Sound between the large Tugwell Island and the smaller Carr Island we spooted the blow of a humpback whale. I submitted a photograph of the humpback to  the Happy Whale identification site and the whale was […]

Portrait of a raven

On May 30, as I was driving back from Prince Rupert, it was raining.  I usually stop at the Telegraph Creek rest stop and that day was no different.  I got out of the car and there was a raven perched on the Skeena River side of the shelter.  It was if the raven was […]

An encounter with two white dolphins

I was on the Prince Rupert Adventure Tours grizzly tour on Wednesday, May 29, when on the return journey, just as we were leaving the Khutzeymateen Inlet Conservancy we spotted some unusual whales. At first the crew that they were orcas, since the dorsal fins are similar. But was we got closer (while staying within […]