Category: black and white

Rio Tinto Alcan Kitimat Modernization Project

Kitimat Modernization Project aluminum smelter upgrade in black and white

The sun sets over the Rio Tinto Alcan Kitimat Modernization Project construction site March 4, 2014. (Robin Rowland) Updated (below) with the arrival of the Delta Spirit Lodge. On March 4, 2014,  Rio Tinto Alcan organized the first media tour of the $3.3 billion  construction project since the announcement in December 2011 that the project […]

Kitimat Sandhill sunset B&W

Kitimat River and Sand Hill, sunset, February 20, 2014

The sun sets over the Kitimat River and the snow covered Sand Hill, in Kitimat, BC, February 20, 2014. Converted to black and white using Perfect Effects 8 to emulate Ilford FP4125, with some highlights and shadow enhancement. (Robin Rowland) Original image. The sun sets over the Kitimat River and the snow covered Sand Hill, […]