Category: nature

Winter skies in Kitimat

Winter 2025 has been spectacular for photographing from my front yard and in some cases bedroom window.  The planets Jupiter, Saturn and Venus were visible at times  and capping it off was the lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025.  On the other hand we had a lot of rain and heavy overcast but not much […]

Birds in a storm

The first of a projected series of atmospheric rivers hit Kitimat on the afternoon of September 21. To my surprise there was lively and heavy bird activity in my backyard, including more than a dozen dark-eyed juncos, five of the steller’s jays that live in the trees by my house, a couple of northern flickers, […]

August skies

  August was a good month for sky shooting.  We had a couple of nights when the sky was clear enuogh for shooting the aurora borealis or nothern lights as the sun is at high activity at the moment.  These are all shot from my back deck, which is not an ideal location with city […]

Grizzly bears in Khutzeymateen

On May 29, 2024, I took the Prince Rupert Adventure Tours tour of the Khutzeymateen grizzly sanctuary. Here are the shots of the grizzlies, one black bear and the landscape. The first bear we spotted as a black bear at Tsampanaknok Bay. Then deeper in to the Khutzeymateen we spotted a grizzly swimming along the […]

Humpback “Wally” bubble feeding at Khutzeymateen

A humpback officially named “Wally” by Happy Whale is one of the best known humpbacks on the northern British Columbia coast. Those people in Prince Rupert who have observed him (sex determined by DNA testing) often call him “two dots” because of the distinctive two dots on his tail fluke. According to the Happy Whale […]

The kingfisher and the fish

The belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is often hard to photograph. The bird may perch long enough to catch a couple of shots, then it dives into the water to catch a fish, or flies off to another location to watch for prey. During the monthly shore bird count in Kitimat and Haisla, one kingfisher remained […]