Category: spring

Spring hike in old growth Kitimat River Provincial Park

On April 6, I took a spring hike in Kitimat River Provincial Park  Kitimat River Park protects two parcels of small but highly productive old-growth Sitka spruce and red cedar forest on the natural floodplain and fluvial terraces of the Kitimat River. It also protects grizzly bear habitat and culturally modified trees The hike was […]

First robin of spring 2024

The first American robin of spring 2024., a male, appeared in my backyard on Sunday, March 24..

Beyond reach

Today is the first day the snow has melted enough that I could go for a walk in the play bush near my home. An American robin was  on a tree branch and kept stretching its neck to try to get berries that were just beyond reach.   After numerous tries, it finally realized it was […]

A soggy day in Kitimat harbour as the spring migration comes north

On Thursday, April 19, was a soggy, to say the least, with wind-driven, cold, pouring rain when I went down to Kitamaat Village and Kitimat harbour to photograph the spring bird migration.  The highlight were the snow geese I saw both at MK Bay  (above) and at the Kitamaat Village soccer field. (Robin Rowland) A […]

A red-winged blackbird takes on a “dogfight” with a hawk

Driving back to Kitimat from Prince George on May 20, I stopped at the Topley rest area. Not only is Topley a good place to break up the drive, there is a small marsh that if the time and season is correct provides an opportunity for great bird and landscape photography. Moments after I got […]

A satyr comma butterfly welcomes spring

A spotted satyr comma butterfly (also known as a satyr anglewing) polygonia satyrus satyrus settled on spotted log in the bush near my house. The first satyr commas emerge in April, so they’re a sign of spring.