
Photo blog

Harvest Supermoon rises over Kitimat

The  Harvest Supermoon rises at 8:32 pm on September 17 over Kitimat through some clouds hugging the mountains. The partial lunar eclipse was not visible here. The moon was below the horizon when the eclipse occurred from 7:12 to 7:44 pm PT in the northwest coast.  

The Flare

To modify an old saying(or curse) “May you live in interesting light.” Photography is all about light. Woke up just before 5 am this morning, looked out the window and the fog was so thick I could hardly see across the street. Then a few minutes later, the fog lifted. So images of the LNG […]

September skies

Kitmat BC’s official motto is “A Marvel of Nature and Industry.”   Even so I don’t get much of a chance to take a photograph that illustrates that idea.  September 9 did give me an opporunity.  A beautiful early fall night.   I first stepped out, the rising  31.1% waxing ccrescent moon  was over Douglas Channel,  along […]

My visits to Santorini in 1976 and 1981

Much of the world’s major media have reported that the beautiful Greek island of Santorini is a prime example of overtourism n 2024.   That pronoted me to write  a memoir of my visit first in 1976 When Santorini was remote, welcoming, and cheap. For my photography site  I have added the photographs from that essay […]

First flares from LNG Canada

First flaring from the LNG Canada tower, afternoon of Sept. 1, 2024. Three in colour with one converted to black and white.  Later evening shots and a morning shot from Sept. 2 LNG Canada describes this as “low level” flaring as part of its “safe startup” program and will continue for several weeks.     […]

August skies

  August was a good month for sky shooting.  We had a couple of nights when the sky was clear enuogh for shooting the aurora borealis or nothern lights as the sun is at high activity at the moment.  These are all shot from my back deck, which is not an ideal location with city […]