Tag: forest
Moon setting over Twin Falls, near Smithers BC
The moon is setting over Twin Falls, a provincial park, northwest of Smithers, British Columbia on the morning of August 25, 2016. Sony Alpha 7II, with Sony G 70-300. (Robin Rowland) Converted with Silver FX Pro.
As the tide goes out, the ice covering a briny tidal creek collapses, leaving patterned cracks. Minette Bay, Kitimat January 1. 2016. (Robin Rowland) I spent New Year’s Day on the mudflats of Minette Bay, near Kitimat, with other local photographers. At low tide, of course. Ruth and Howard Mills who run the […]
It’s been mostly a wet and foggy winter so far in Kitimat, known so far as Snow Valley. Looking out from my front window. I can see the low lying fog along the Kitimat River and Kitimat harbour, often totally obscuring Douglas Channel. Often the fog seems to hug the ground, meaning the tops […]
Old cedar stump in black and white
A little experimentation with black and white here. Three versions of the image blended together, a standard black and white conversion, with two versions from Perfect Effects 8, mostly selenium but also a smidgen of high key.
Smoke from wildfire blankets Kitimat
Updates with cause, Friday morning situation A wildfire broke out in the Strawberry Meadows neighborhood, about two kilometres south of Kitimat, around 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2014. Kitimat Fire and Rescue quickly responded to the call, setting up a command post at the back of the Oviatt Contracting construction yard which was […]
Kitimat River and Sand Hill, sunset, February 20, 2014
The sun sets over the Kitimat River and the snow covered Sand Hill, in Kitimat, BC, February 20, 2014. Converted to black and white using Perfect Effects 8 to emulate Ilford FP4125, with some highlights and shadow enhancement. (Robin Rowland) Original image. The sun sets over the Kitimat River and the snow covered Sand Hill, […]