Tag: Kitimat

Impressions of a rewilded Kitimat

My home, Kitimat, BC has had a taste of “rewilding.” District employees were on strike from February 28, 2015 until today, June 12, which meant the grass in the parks, verges and byways has been growing wild since the spring thaw. The grass, blowing in the wind, creates beautiful, impressionistic patterns….and have become (until the […]

A robin hunts for bugs in a pile of moss

An American robin, searching for bugs, tosses a pile of moss out of the way as the sun sets over Kitimat, May 27, 2015. (Robin Rowland) The sun was setting over my yard, and this robin swoops down and stops on the fence post, looking down at a pile of moss that has grown up […]

Euri my cat

Canadian gigolo cat

My cat Euri comes into my bedroom, settles down on the duvet, seeks out the sunbeams, as light streams through the Venetian blinds, on a near-spring afternoon, Feb. 24, 2015. (Robin Rowland) And for those too young to remember the reference is to the 1980 movie American Gigolo and its iconic movie poster.

Digging out in Kitimat

Kitimat blizzard and blackout February 5 to 9, 2015

A “Pineapple Express” brought a major blizzard to the Kitimat region last week, dropping approximately 180 centimetres of snow from the morning of Thursday, February 5, 2015 until the skies cleared late on the afternoon of Saturday, February 7. In my neighborhood, the power first went out at about 3 pm on Thursday, came back […]

Trumpeter swans in the Kitimat Rver

Christmas bird count in the Kitimat estuary

A great blue heron sits on some debris in Kitimat harbour, during my annual visit to the estuary for the Christmas bird count, Dec. 14, 2014. (Robin Rowland). There was more late afternoon light than last year .  On the other hand, while my birdwatching colleagues did list lots of species around the area, the […]

Shell station in the fog

Foggy night in December

Go for a walk on a foggy night and the Christmas lights look oh so different. A big display of Christmas lights on Lahakas Boulevard, Kitimat, seen through the fog (Robin Rowland) And here’s what the lights look close up. (Robin Rowland) My own rather modest display of Christmas lights. All images taken with my […]