Tag: Kitimat

Old stump in black and white

Old cedar stump in black and white

A little experimentation with black and white here. Three versions of the image blended together, a standard black and white conversion, with two versions from Perfect Effects 8, mostly selenium but also a smidgen of high key.

helcopter fights wildfire

Smoke from wildfire blankets Kitimat

  Updates with cause,  Friday morning situation A wildfire broke out in the Strawberry Meadows neighborhood, about two kilometres south of Kitimat, around 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 17, 2014. Kitimat Fire and Rescue quickly responded to the call, setting up a command post at the back of the Oviatt  Contracting construction yard which was […]


Fire destroys home in Kitimat

A fire that began in the kitchen destroyed a house on Lillooet Street in Kitimat on the afternoon of July 14, 2014. Everyone who was in the house at the time got out safely. Update: There is now a fundraising campaign to help the family

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron at Minette Bay, Kitimat

I was assigned by CBC News to shoot stock images of Kitimat in anticipation of the federal government approval of the Northern Gateway pipeline and terminal project later this month. So as well as my video camera, I took along my DSLR. I shot video of the Great Blue Heron as it waded along the […]