Tag: ocean

My visits to Santorini in 1976 and 1981

Much of the world’s major media have reported that the beautiful Greek island of Santorini is a prime example of overtourism n 2024.   That pronoted me to write  a memoir of my visit first in 1976 When Santorini was remote, welcoming, and cheap. For my photography site  I have added the photographs from that essay […]

Humpback “Wally” bubble feeding at Khutzeymateen

A humpback officially named “Wally” by Happy Whale is one of the best known humpbacks on the northern British Columbia coast. Those people in Prince Rupert who have observed him (sex determined by DNA testing) often call him “two dots” because of the distinctive two dots on his tail fluke. According to the Happy Whale […]

Storm over the harbour

Sunday April 21, 2024, the date for the monthly shore bird count was a cold, wet, stormy spring morning at MK Bay and Haisla.  

Beauty in a stormy atmospheric river

While out birding on January 27, 2024, I also took images of the surrounding landscape during the atmospheric river storm. Given the “atmosphere” I converted all to black and white.

A mink on a log. How I got the shot (plus some bald eagles)

It was a cool, over cast Saturday afternoon when I accompanied birders from the Kitimat Valley Naturalists on the monthly shorebird count. Just after we arrived at our first stop, the Kitamaat Village seawall and beach in Haisla traditional territory, I (and the others) saw something out of the corner of my eye, a flash […]