dinosaur outdoor model photography Photography repaint toys

More “dinosaur” photos, the Pterosaur

Robin Rowland 

A toy Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting (Robin Rowland).
dinosaur photo project, Rhamphorhynchidae, Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting.

I am continuing my project of taking photographs of my childhood Louis Marx models of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures.

Here is the toy pterosaur, Rhamphorhynchus, based on the famous painting by Charles R. Knight. The toy is repainted to match as possible to the painting.

dinosaur photo project, Rhamphorhynchidae, Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting.
A toy Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting (Robin Rowland).
Charles Knight painting in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, along with the Louis Marx toy. (Robin Rowland)
dinosaur photo project, Rhamphorhynchidae, Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting.
Another view of a toy Rhamphorhynchus Pterosaur based on Charles Knight painting (Robin Rowland).

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Robin Rowland 

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