Older websites

Garret Tree

The Garret tree was my blog on the writing life from 2004-2009. You can read the archived blog. Highlights include coverage of the 2005 CBC lockout.

Northwest Coast Energy News.

From 2011 to 2023 I edited and published the the Northwest Coast Energy News website, covering energy, environment and science as it affects northwestern British Columbia. The site covered the debates and controveries over the Northern Gateway pipeline project, the various Liquified Natural Gas proposals, including the successful LNG Canada project.and given Kitimat’s key new role in the world energy market, the rest of the world, as well.
Due to the downturn in the media economy, this site will only be updated if news warrants.

Tao of News

In the optiomistic days of the mid 2000s, I began Tao of News, at a time when many believed that journalism could adapt to the tech revolution. So thaty blog on long term future of journalismis currently inactive. There haven’t been that many posts lately because the future is so uncertain.