Category: BC

Bald eagles battle over a duck

Two bald eagles battle over a duck at Kitimat harbour. Images taken off the shoreline of Kitamaat Village. (Robin Rowland) Another bald eagle watching from above. (Robin Rowland) Splash!  The first eagle swoops down and grabs a duck (hard to see in this image) (Robin Rowland) The second eagle heads skyward with its eye on […]

New Year’s Day at Minette Bay

Photos from the annual local photographers’ walk around Minette Bay. The deepest cold passed, leaving ice everywhere. There was a heavy overcast and occasional fog. Previous New Year’s walks January 1, 2017 January 1, 2016

The calm after the storm: Kitimat River in flood

Tuesday, October 25, 2017 was a beautiful sunny afternoon after four days of storms, snow on Saturday and three days of heavy rain which reached more than 200 millimetres (about eight inches).  The late fall sun was out but the Kitimat River was higher than usual. (Robin Rowland)

Humpback whales in Bishop Bay

I went down “the Channel” (the collective name for the waters of Douglas Channel and the surrounding passages, channels and canals) with friends on Monday, August 28. We were first heading down Ursula Channel toward Monkey Beach where I was going to shoot some portraits of my friends,  Before we got to Monkey Beach we […]

A satyr comma butterfly welcomes spring

A spotted satyr comma butterfly (also known as a satyr anglewing) polygonia satyrus satyrus settled on spotted log in the bush near my house. The first satyr commas emerge in April, so they’re a sign of spring.

Saturday morning at Wahtl Creek

Wahtl Creek flows past Kitamaat Village, home of the Haisla Nation, into MK Bay on Douglas Channel, across from Kitimat’s Rio Tinto BC Operations aluminum smelter. You wouldn’t know it’s the end of February, except for nip in the morning air. After fellow photographer Doug Keech posted on Facebook that on Saturday morning, low tide […]