Category: BC

Canada Day, Kitimat, BC, July 1, 2016

Two women dressed as suffragettes hold a Canadian flag during the Canada Day parade in Kitimat, July 1, 2016. The theme for the parade marked one hundred years of the woman’s vote in Canada. (Robin Rowland)   The parade began in heavy rain. (Robin Rowland) Mayor Phil Germuth wields water guns during the parade. Everyone […]

Remembrance Day, Kitimat, BC, November 11, 2015

A new plaque at the Kitimat cenotaph commemorates service in Afghanistan, see on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2015. (Robin Rowland) A member of the Royal Canadian Legion distributes poppies and programs before the Remembrance Day Service. (Robin Rowland) Before the “Guardians of Remembrance” service, someone left three red roses on the cenotaph. (Robin Rowland) A […]

Calm between storms, slack tide in Kitimat harbour

  The Hawaiian hurricanes that follow the path of the “Pineapple Express” across the northern Pacific normally dwindle to rain storms by the time they reach the Kitimat Valley. On October 9, 2015, however, what was left of Hurricane Oho was still at tropical storm strength. I was assigned by Global BC to get storm […]

Shining moment as Rio Tinto celebrates first metal at modernized Kitimat smelter

Gaby Poirier, BC operations manager for the Rio Tinto Aluminum metals group called it a shining moment as the first ingots from the new modernized potlines were wheeled into the also new Henning Hall at the Kitimat smelter on Tuesday, July 7. Referring to the nearly complete Kitimat Modernization Project (KMP), Poirier said, “It’s now […]