Category: Christmas

It was a dark and stormy morning

It is interesting the kind of photographs that people like.   Early on Dec. 26, Boxing Day, there was a power outage mostly in the Kildala neighborhood here in Kitimat, after a stormy, windy and rainy night, People on social media were asking question, so I went to a window and used my Android phone to […]

Christmas Bird Count 2023

On December 16, 2023 Kitimat Valley Naturalists took part in the worldwide Christmas Bird Count, with special permission and guidance to view the natural areas of the Kitimat River estuary in both the RIo Tinto and LNG Canada industrial sites. The weather was cool and overcast, but unlike earlier years no snow or heavy rain […]

Kitimat Christmas Bird Count 2019

For the Christmas Bird Count in Kitimat, there’s usually a lot of ground to cover in a very short period of time–that’s because here in the northwest daylight hours are limited as we get closer to the Winter Solstice. So we started before dawn, which is OK for those who are counting but not so […]

Christmas bird count 2018 in a snow storm

Trumpeter swans, signets and canvasback ducks in the Kitimat River estuary, Dec.15, 2018. (Robin Rowland)   My portion of the Christmas Bird Count in the Kitimat River Estuary (courtesy Rio Tinto) was in an afternoon blizzard which cut visibility by up to about 80 per cent at times and was no help to the cameras, […]

Kitimat River estuary Christmas bird count 2016

  I made the annual trip with Walter Thorne into the Kitimat River estuary on Saturday,  Dec. 17 for that leg of the Kitimat Christmas Bird Count. We didn’t see as much variety as in previous years because the region had been the grip of an icy -15 C at least cold snap for the […]

Christmas Eve moonrise over Mt. Elizabeth

A rare Christmas Eve waxing gibbous (almost full at 98.4 per cent) moonrise over Mt. Elizabeth in Kitimat. (Robin Rowland) Sony Alpha 55 at 200mm. The moon rise over Mt. Elizabeth, 500mm Minolta mirror lens with Sony Alpha 77. (Robin Rowland) About 20 minutes before moonrise. Mt. Elizabeth at dusk. (Robin Rowland) The moonrise in […]

Christmas bird count (and more) Kitimat 2015

A juvenile bald eagle surveys the Kitimat River from a log on a sandbar. (Robin Rowland) Once again this year I joined the Kitimat Christmas Bird Count, helping out the Kitimat Valley Naturalists. Here are some of the best shots from that day, Wednesday December 16. 2015. Gulls huddle together on the shore of MK […]