Category: sky

Stars over Clio Bay, Douglas Channel, BC, 9:50 p.m. Sept. 14, 2013. (Robin Rowland)

Stars on a moonlit night from a floating lodge

  The standard advice for photographing stars is to find a clear sky, far away from urban light pollution, with no moon and someplace solid where you can put a tripod. That’s great, perhaps for New Mexico, Arizona, or even parts of California. Up here in the northwest, where there is rain forest because it […]

bald eagle

Bald eagles

A bald eagle flies over the water at the east end of Kaien Island just before the Prince Rupert Port Edward turnoff, June 3, 2013. (Robin Rowland) A bald eagle circles over the mountain on the mainland at the turnoff. (Robin Rowland) An eagle skims the ocean, hunting for prey. (Robin Rowland) There were actually […]

Ravens in flight

Breaking the high afternoon summer sun rule and getting the “white raven” effect

So one of the “rules of photography,” especially nature photography, is you don’t shoot on a clear, bright, blue sky, summer afternoon with the sun high overhead. So today I broke all those rules and got a shot I’ve been trying to get for some time–the “white raven.” So what is a “white raven?”  One […]

Sunset at Basalt Creek

Sunset on the Skeena

On Friday, February 3, 2012, I was driving to Prince Rupert, BC, to cover the No to Tankers rally the next day for GlobalBC News and Canadian Press  The drive (or train trip) along the lower Skeena is always magnificent, the mighty water has come through the mountains and now when the river widens. The […]

Columns of sea smoke rise from Kitimat harbour

Sea smoke at Kitimat on a frigid Jan. 19, 2012

Thursday January 19, 2012 was a frigid day in Kitimat, BC. It was -23 C with a windchill of -38. The warm fresh water from the Kitimat River, flowing into the harbour, was caught between the cold ocean water in the harbour and the frigid air, creating the sea smoke.   Sea smoke usually hugs […]