Tag: bald eagle

Humpback Aurora, eagles, seagulls and sealions

On our return journey on May 29, 2024, on Prince Rupert Adventure Tours,  heading back to Rupert on Chatham Sound between the large Tugwell Island and the smaller Carr Island we spooted the blow of a humpback whale. I submitted a photograph of the humpback to  the Happy Whale identification site and the whale was […]

October birds in Kitimat

This October was a great month to shoot birds in Kitimat, not only in my backyard, but on the ocean at Kitamaat Village and MK Bay Marina.        

A rare winter bird in Kitimat, Townsend’s solitaire (plus a couple of eagles)

A visitor to my backyard mountain ash tree the past couple of days (February 9 and 10, 2023) a Townsend’s Solitaire (myadestes townsendi).  It is a thrush, usually found further inland along the Pacific Northwest but rare on the coast, especially in winter. a UPDATE:  February 13, 2023.  The Townsend’s solitaire back on Monday afternoon. […]

A mink on a log. How I got the shot (plus some bald eagles)

It was a cool, over cast Saturday afternoon when I accompanied birders from the Kitimat Valley Naturalists on the monthly shorebird count. Just after we arrived at our first stop, the Kitamaat Village seawall and beach in Haisla traditional territory, I (and the others) saw something out of the corner of my eye, a flash […]

Bald eagle at Minette Bay

Look closely and you will see the white head of a bald eagle perched in a tree at MK Bay, taken from MK Bay West Park.

Kitimat Christmas Bird Count 2019

For the Christmas Bird Count in Kitimat, there’s usually a lot of ground to cover in a very short period of time–that’s because here in the northwest daylight hours are limited as we get closer to the Winter Solstice. So we started before dawn, which is OK for those who are counting but not so […]