October birds in Kitimat

Robin Rowland 
An American robin eats a mountain ash berry in my backyard. (Robin Rowland)

This October was a great month to shoot birds in Kitimat, not only in my backyard, but on the ocean at Kitamaat Village and MK Bay Marina.

Dark-eyed junco, also enjoying the mountain ash berries among fall colours in early morning light. (Robin Rowland)
Three green winged teals in flight at the Kitamaat Village waterfront. (Robin Rowland)
A Great Blue Heron foraging at the Kitamaat Village waterfront. (Robin Rowland)
A Great Blue Heron foraging at the Kitamaat Village waterfront. (Robin Rowland)
A Great Blue Heron flies over Kitimat harbour. (Robin Rowland)
Ducks in a row. Widgeons and Mallards on the Kitamaat Village waterfront. (Robin Rowland)
Widgeons and Mallards on the Kitamaat Village waterfront. (Robin Rowland)


A murder of crows over Kitamaat harbour. (Robin Rowland)


A bald eagle over Kitimat harbour. (Robin Rowland)
Herring gull in a rainy Wahtl Creek. (Robin Rowland)
A northern flicker on the wires overlooking my backyard. (Robin Rowland)



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