Tag: great blue heron

Storm over the harbour

Sunday April 21, 2024, the date for the monthly shore bird count was a cold, wet, stormy spring morning at MK Bay and Haisla.  

Christmas Bird Count 2023

On December 16, 2023 Kitimat Valley Naturalists took part in the worldwide Christmas Bird Count, with special permission and guidance to view the natural areas of the Kitimat River estuary in both the RIo Tinto and LNG Canada industrial sites. The weather was cool and overcast, but unlike earlier years no snow or heavy rain […]

October birds in Kitimat

This October was a great month to shoot birds in Kitimat, not only in my backyard, but on the ocean at Kitamaat Village and MK Bay Marina.        

Christmas bird count 2018 in a snow storm

Trumpeter swans, signets and canvasback ducks in the Kitimat River estuary, Dec.15, 2018. (Robin Rowland)   My portion of the Christmas Bird Count in the Kitimat River Estuary (courtesy Rio Tinto) was in an afternoon blizzard which cut visibility by up to about 80 per cent at times and was no help to the cameras, […]

Birds and water: shots from my trip to England

So what did I do on my summer “vacation”?  I am (semi) retired, so  it isn’t a formal vacation, but I did have some relaxing down time on my trip to England in June. After attending a conference in Liverpool, I went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Julius Caesar, then […]

Christmas bird count (and more) Kitimat 2015

A juvenile bald eagle surveys the Kitimat River from a log on a sandbar. (Robin Rowland) Once again this year I joined the Kitimat Christmas Bird Count, helping out the Kitimat Valley Naturalists. Here are some of the best shots from that day, Wednesday December 16. 2015. Gulls huddle together on the shore of MK […]