Tag: Bird feeder

Birds in a storm

The first of a projected series of atmospheric rivers hit Kitimat on the afternoon of September 21. To my surprise there was lively and heavy bird activity in my backyard, including more than a dozen dark-eyed juncos, five of the steller’s jays that live in the trees by my house, a couple of northern flickers, […]

The first Rufous Hummingbird of spring 2024

I put out a hummingbird feeder on my backdeck each spring. I do get hummingbirds but for some reason they are often few and far between at my house. Today, April 26, a hummingbird arrived just 10 minutes after I put up the feeder.

Birds in a blizzard

The decade of the 2020s came in like a mountain lion on January 3, 2020 here in Kitimat, with (up until now) 75 centimetres or 30 inches of snow. I came inside after digging out the first time (I would dig out twice more today) and sat down for lunch only to see at least […]

A juvenile steller’s jay learns to crack a nut

  Updated I am lucky enough to be surrounded by the magnificent steller’s jay.   A group of them live in a tall conifer across a small park from my house.  (Unfortunately BC Hydro contractors opened up one part of the tree while rewiring the neighbourhood so the steller’s jays in that tree may be vulnerable.)  […]

Stellar jay fledge

The adventures of the stellar jay fledglings

  Early last Sunday morning I heard the thump of a bird hitting the glass door that leads out to my deck. I looked out and saw the bird stagger around the deck then take wing and land on the table on the deck. Birds do hit the door a few times a year and […]

Great blue heron near Kitimat River

Birds at Christmastime in Kitimat

A Great Blue Heron perches on a tree overlooking the Kitimat River during the Christmas Bird Count, December 15, 2012. The bird count photo op wasn’t as good this year as it was last year. It was just as overcast with low late December light, but this time it was high tide with wind gusts […]