Tag: British Columbia

Water Lilies at Pine Lake, BC

Channeling Claude Monet on a back country wilderness hike. Water lilies from Pine Lake, north west of Terrace, BC, taken August 6, 2018.  

Moon, Mars and a meteor over Minette Bay (plus other celestial wonders)

This week is a stargazer’s delight. Mars is at its closest approach to Earth, and that means the Red Planet is the brightest it will be from July 27 to July 31 (the latter date is when Mars is actually the closest). Although North America missed the solar eclipse earlier this week, the moon is […]

A juvenile raven comes calling

A family of ravens lives in a tree down the street from me.  I have often seen what I believe to be the same pair overhead for the past several years, often just enjoying flying around.   There are other ravens around, of course, and I often see them overhead or in the trees in the […]

The varied thrush – one of my favourite local birds in Kitimat

One of my favourite birds in here in Kitimat is the Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius).  There were a lot more than usual this spring for one reason or another. So here is an album of  images. A varied thrush on my back deck.  (Robin Rowland)   There was still snow in a hollow in a […]

Raising the Haisla Kitimat friendship pole

On  May 4, the Haisla Nation and the District of Kitimat raised a totem pole to mark the growing friendship between “township” and Kitamaat Village.   Planning for the pole began a couple of years ago when the Haisla Nation and the people of the Kitimat township held a reconciliation forum at Riverlodge.   The pole was […]

Northern Flicker takes off

A lucky shot of a pair of Northern Flickers. (Colaptes auratus).  They flew into the tree as I was walking by. Grabbed one shot as they perched, then one took off swooping toward me. Lucky shot.