Birds in the fog on a sunny morning in Kitamaat Village
So what did I do on my summer “vacation”? I am (semi) retired, so it isn’t a formal vacation, but I did have some relaxing down time on my trip to England in June. After attending a conference in Liverpool, I went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Julius Caesar, then […]
I was able to photograph my second sequence of aerial bird combat in a few weeks on June 15, on a boat trip on the upper Thames River in Oxfordshire, in England, above me a carrion crow (Corvus Corone) was taking on what in Britain is called a buzzard and internationally the common buzzard (Buteo […]
Wahtl Creek flows past Kitamaat Village, home of the Haisla Nation, into MK Bay on Douglas Channel, across from Kitimat’s Rio Tinto BC Operations aluminum smelter. You wouldn’t know it’s the end of February, except for nip in the morning air. After fellow photographer Doug Keech posted on Facebook that on Saturday morning, low tide […]
Sometimes the most interesting things are happening behind you. A crow flies past my gear bag. I heard the crow’s call and turned from shooting birds at MK Bay to catch this shot.
A trumpeter swan feeds in the Kitimat River Oxbow, during the world wide annual Christmas bird count, Dec. 17, 2011. The reddish neck comes as the white feathers are stained by high levels of iron oxides in this part of the river as the swan dips into the river to feed. A view of the […]
So I had some interesting visitors at my bird feeders for Thanksgiving Dinner today. I think this is a gorgeous male red winged blackbird. The redwinged blackbird and his mate on my deck beam. The BC redwinged blackbird is is somewhat different from the birds I photographed in Ontario, that at first I didn’t recognize […]