Tag: fog

Saturday morning at Wahtl Creek

Wahtl Creek flows past Kitamaat Village, home of the Haisla Nation, into MK Bay on Douglas Channel, across from Kitimat’s Rio Tinto BC Operations aluminum smelter. You wouldn’t know it’s the end of February, except for nip in the morning air. After fellow photographer Doug Keech posted on Facebook that on Saturday morning, low tide […]

Calm between storms, slack tide in Kitimat harbour

  The Hawaiian hurricanes that follow the path of the “Pineapple Express” across the northern Pacific normally dwindle to rain storms by the time they reach the Kitimat Valley. On October 9, 2015, however, what was left of Hurricane Oho was still at tropical storm strength. I was assigned by Global BC to get storm […]

Shell station in the fog

Foggy night in December

Go for a walk on a foggy night and the Christmas lights look oh so different. A big display of Christmas lights on Lahakas Boulevard, Kitimat, seen through the fog (Robin Rowland) And here’s what the lights look close up. (Robin Rowland) My own rather modest display of Christmas lights. All images taken with my […]