Tag: humpback whale

Humpback “Wally” bubble feeding at Khutzeymateen

A humpback officially named “Wally” by Happy Whale is one of the best known humpbacks on the northern British Columbia coast. Those people in Prince Rupert who have observed him (sex determined by DNA testing) often call him “two dots” because of the distinctive two dots on his tail fluke. According to the Happy Whale […]

Summer wildlife and nature photos in and around Kitimat

Summer photography in Kitimat and down Douglas Channel. Images from walking around Kitimat, hikes, and from North West Photo Fest at Minette Bay Lodge and down Douglas Channel. The most amazing event was when we were off Coste Rocks and witnessed three humpbacks up Amos Channel. One did not dive, but floated on the ocean, […]

Humpback whales in Bishop Bay

I went down “the Channel” (the collective name for the waters of Douglas Channel and the surrounding passages, channels and canals) with friends on Monday, August 28. We were first heading down Ursula Channel toward Monkey Beach where I was going to shoot some portraits of my friends,  Before we got to Monkey Beach we […]