Tag: Kitimat

Calm between storms, slack tide in Kitimat harbour

  The Hawaiian hurricanes that follow the path of the “Pineapple Express” across the northern Pacific normally dwindle to rain storms by the time they reach the Kitimat Valley. On October 9, 2015, however, what was left of Hurricane Oho was still at tropical storm strength. I was assigned by Global BC to get storm […]

My cat Euri 1997-2015, a life in portraits

My beloved cat Euri, passed away in his sleep, Monday, September 14, 2015, aged 18 years and six months–which is 90 in human years. Euri was doing fine for an older cat despite his years. On Saturday, as he often did, Euri leapt up beside me on the couch as I watched a movie on […]

Early fall light on the ponds of the Kitimat Lower Dyke Road

Fall is coming early to Kitimat….or so it appears.  We’ve just come through about three weeks of cold, wet and windy weather. Some trees are already turning to gold. In the early afternoon sun along the Kitimat River Lower Dyke Road, the glorious green is still dominant. Wind blown green leaves on a pond alongside […]

Preparing the Pacific Trail Pipeline right of way

A pile of log slash stands on the route of the Pacific Trail Pipeline, the first route to Kitimat, BC, to see preliminary construction. The 480 kilometre natural gas pipeline will deliver gas from Summit Lake, B.C. to the proposed Kitimat LNG facility site at Bish Cove on Douglas Channel south of Kitimat. (Robin Rowland) […]

Shining moment as Rio Tinto celebrates first metal at modernized Kitimat smelter

Gaby Poirier, BC operations manager for the Rio Tinto Aluminum metals group called it a shining moment as the first ingots from the new modernized potlines were wheeled into the also new Henning Hall at the Kitimat smelter on Tuesday, July 7. Referring to the nearly complete Kitimat Modernization Project (KMP), Poirier said, “It’s now […]

Kitimat celebrates Canada Day 2015

  The winning float in the 2015 Kitimat Canada parade from the Community Supper Club. (Robin Rowland) Staff Sergeant Phil Harrison who is retiring from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police leads the Canada Day parade.  (Robin Rowland) Kitimat Fire and Rescue. (Robin Rowland) Kitimat Marine Rescue Society (Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue SAR 63) […]