Tag: Kitimat

Male pine grosbeak in a tree

Splish, splash, the pine grosbeak are taking a bath

On my morning walk, there are lots of small birds flying around and they’re often hard to catch with a camera. Today, walking down Haisla Hill in Kitimat, the birds settled into a muddy drainage ditch. Here you see a female, left, and male, right with the bright red feathers, enjoying the flow of water […]

Mike Brousseau leaves the stage

Kitimat BC election all candidates meeting May 1, 2013

The candidates from three of the major provincial parties in Skeena riding in the 2013 British Columbia election participated in an all candidates meeting Wednesday, May 1, 2013. NDP candidate and MLA incumbent Robin Austin makes a point while Conservative candidate Mike Brousseau and Carol Leclerc listen.   Robin Austin listens to a question at […]

House fire on Whittlesey Street, Kitimat, March 2, 2013

Update: News release from Kitimat Fire and Rescue At approximately 7:20 pm Saturday March. 2, 2013, Fire crews responded to a residential structure fire on Whitlesey St. The Fire Department responded with two engines, one ladder truck, and one Ambulance with 15 firefighters and two Chief Officers. There was extensive damage to the garage and […]

Great blue heron near Kitimat River

Birds at Christmastime in Kitimat

A Great Blue Heron perches on a tree overlooking the Kitimat River during the Christmas Bird Count, December 15, 2012. The bird count photo op wasn’t as good this year as it was last year. It was just as overcast with low late December light, but this time it was high tide with wind gusts […]

Ravens in flight

Breaking the high afternoon summer sun rule and getting the “white raven” effect

So one of the “rules of photography,” especially nature photography, is you don’t shoot on a clear, bright, blue sky, summer afternoon with the sun high overhead. So today I broke all those rules and got a shot I’ve been trying to get for some time–the “white raven.” So what is a “white raven?”  One […]

Beaver swims across the lake

Clearwater Lakes Trail photo walk and workshop pix

On Saturday, July 7, 2012, Kitimat landscape photographer Doug Keech taught a photoworkshop, called Photoecllipse 2012, along with Prince Rupert photographer Pam Mullins (Pam’s Wild Images) and myself. At the end of the day instructors and students went on a photo walk along the Clearwater Lakes Trail off Onion Lake on Highway 37. There was heavy overcast and the […]