A vintage model “tank”
This “tank” — I guess you can call it that — is about fifty years old. I was always making both kit built and scratch built science fiction and space models back when I was a teenager.
I am pretty sure I built this model when I was about sixteen.
As you can see from the bottom, the original plastic was a dark red and, if I remember correctly, I copied the camouflage from the painting on the box.
I have a vague memory that the kit was Japanese. I have posted a picture with the science fiction modelling group on Facebook, asking if anyone recognized that model but so far no one has.
Back ages ago, the tank (or perhaps armoured fighting vehicle) was on diorama base with a purplish alien landscape. That is long gone. I found the model in the bottom of a box of some other modelling hold overs from my teen years that I had hauled with me all those years. So now I am getting back into modelling, I intend to reposition the vehicle in a new diorama and will post that when it’s complete.
There is just one update with the model. One of the tail fins broke off over the years, so I added a black wash as “battle damage.”