Category: journalism

Rex Murphy, dead at 77, from astute commentator to bitter curmugeon

Rex Murphy, one of Canada’s best known, loved and hated TV commentators and columnists has died at 77. I have mixed feelings about his passing. I was Rex Murphy’s online editor from 1998 to 2003 when I was web producer for CBC’s The National. In those days his writing was superb and he had incitive […]

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and the children of veterans

On Sunday, March 16, 2014, the lead item on CBS Sunday Morning was about how the trauma of war is often passed on to the children of veterans.  The item concentrates on the current crisis with U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan and also touches on Vietnam through the story of Christal Presley who took […]

Browsing the State Department’s old style analog paper Wiki

 Back in the  1980s when I first embarked on historical investigations,  the US State Department had its own analog, paper-based Wiki that covered almost every diplomatic dispatch going back centuries, millions of three by five inch index cards. And  each told a story. It was amazing to go through those old cards to find what […]

One more suggestion about the “mystery missile”

The media has  been in a big flap recently about the so-called mystery missile that a KCBS cameraman shot off the coast of California.   The experts now say the missile launch was most likely a contrail  of an aircraft,  an optical illusion created by the setting sun, but as David Martin of CBS News […]