Snow snow and more snow
El Nina and the Pineapple Express brought heavy weather to Kitimat over the past few days. Neighours and friends say it is hard to remember so much snow in a few days even in Snow Valley, home of People of the Snow.
I heard there were 30 centimetres at the local firehall overnight Saturday to Sunday. Forescast was for 10-15 cm Friday, 10-15 cm Saturday and snow and freezing rain today Sunday; (Local media reported that total in the weekend was 64 cm or 25.2 inches)
Where’s my car?????
Taken 1121 PT Sunday January 16.
Friday was near blizzard conditions. Saturday January 15. Taken at 1249. I dug out the driveway three times on Saturday.
The snow kept coming.
Taken 2250 January 15. Snow and blowing snow create an abstract pattern with my car.Taken with my Sony NEX5 set 12800 ISO.
A man makes his way through the blizzard at 2255 Jan. 15.
I open the garage door at 2307. Snow is building up as the blizzard continues. I go to bed to see the car covered completely the next morning as seen in the first picture.
At 1230 I start digging. The snowpack has blown off the retaining wall to the left of the image. The situation is far too much for my small snowblower.
By the way, this is how the driveway looks in the summer,
For better and prettier photographs of snow in Kitimat, view my photoblog.