Tag: First Nations

Polio behind a plastic screen

(Long Read)   It was the late spring of 1957. I was six, just about to turn seven. One afternoon, I was walking home from school when I suddenly began to feel pain in my legs and shoulder. Our house in the temporary Smeltersite settlement in the new town of Kitimat, British Columbia was uphill […]

Prisoners of the Empire: a disappointing, cherry-picked mishmash

Earlier this summer I saw a prepublication notice for Sarah Kovner’s book Prisoners of the Empire Inside Japanese POW Camps, where the Harvard University Press promotion  called the book “A pathbreaking account of World War II POW camps, challenging the longstanding belief that the Japanese Empire systematically mistreated Allied prisoners.” I eagerly pre-ordered the book. […]

Haisla author Joe Starr weaves magic in short story collection

In the opening short story of Haisla First Nation author Joe Starr’s collection, Nuyem Weaver, an elderly woman, the weaver, makes her last journey, by canoe, to the site of an abandoned village where the yellow cedar trees call to her so she can strip the bark and weave a new floor mat, a thlee-we […]

Celtic salmon

The salmon of wisdom The raven of war Legends from the Celtic northwest

The salmon of wisdom The raven of war Legends from the Celtic northwest Kitimat Museum and Archives Annual General Meeting & An Illustrated Talk by Robin Rowland, beginning at 7 p.m., May 28, 2013 For most people today, the image of Wales, Ireland and England conjures up Downton Abbey, with its rolling hills and green fields dotted […]