Tag: snow

Celtic salmon

The salmon of wisdom The raven of war Legends from the Celtic northwest

The salmon of wisdom The raven of war Legends from the Celtic northwest Kitimat Museum and Archives Annual General Meeting & An Illustrated Talk by Robin Rowland, beginning at 7 p.m., May 28, 2013 For most people today, the image of Wales, Ireland and England conjures up Downton Abbey, with its rolling hills and green fields dotted […]

Snowmaggeden? Not for Kitimat, but still a bit too much snow

It’s been snowing in Kitimat since Friday. With Kitimat called “Snow Valley” and the word Kitamaat meaning  “people of the snow” in the language of the Tshmishian First Nation, snow in Kitimat is not usually news. The gauge at the FireHall says 91 centimetres between 6 pm Friday and 9 am Monday. Environment Canada records […]

Snow snow and more snow

El Nina and the Pineapple Express brought heavy weather to Kitimat over the past few days. Neighours and friends say it is hard to remember so much snow in a few days even in Snow Valley, home  of People of the Snow. I heard there were 30 centimetres at the local firehall overnight Saturday to […]

Remembrance Day, Kitimat, BC, Nov. 11, 2010

Snow began falling in Kitimat, BC, for the first time this winter, at about 9 in the morning Pacific Time. and by the time the residents gathered 90 minutes later for the Remembrance Day ceremony at the cenotaph, it was still snowing.  In Kitimat, children lay the wreathes for those who cannot attend, which is […]