A crescent moon over Kitimat
A 14 per cent waxing crescent moon over Kitimat, while the LNG Canada site is shrouded in low lying fog, Dec. 16, 2023.
A 14 per cent waxing crescent moon over Kitimat, while the LNG Canada site is shrouded in low lying fog, Dec. 16, 2023.
This October was a great month to shoot birds in Kitimat, not only in my backyard, but on the ocean at Kitamaat Village and MK Bay Marina.
The decade of the 2020s came in like a mountain lion on January 3, 2020 here in Kitimat, with (up until now) 75 centimetres or 30 inches of snow. I came inside after digging out the first time (I would dig out twice more today) and sat down for lunch only to see at least […]
I looked out into my back garden on the morning of October 2, 2019 to see more flocks of birds flying around in an early October downpour. Far more birds than I expected. It is bear season and there are more black bears around town than usual, which means my feeders are currently empty. No […]