Category: BC

The kingfisher and the fish

The belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) is often hard to photograph. The bird may perch long enough to catch a couple of shots, then it dives into the water to catch a fish, or flies off to another location to watch for prey. During the monthly shore bird count in Kitimat and Haisla, one kingfisher remained […]

Haisla Artists exhibit opening, May 10, 2024

The Kitimat Museum and Archives opened the Haisla Artists Indigenous Art Exhibition with a ceremony at the City Centre Mall in Kitimat on the evening of Friday, May 10, 2024. It is the first group show that features Haisla artists (there have been indvidual shows in the past). The opening at the mall featured photographs […]

Spring hike in old growth Kitimat River Provincial Park

On April 6, I took a spring hike in Kitimat River Provincial Park  Kitimat River Park protects two parcels of small but highly productive old-growth Sitka spruce and red cedar forest on the natural floodplain and fluvial terraces of the Kitimat River. It also protects grizzly bear habitat and culturally modified trees The hike was […]

Bald eagle at Minette Bay

Look closely and you will see the white head of a bald eagle perched in a tree at MK Bay, taken from MK Bay West Park.

Portraits of Northwestern Crows

The weather in Kitimat has been awful during most of the fall, cold, windy, rainy, foggy and generally miserable. Not unexpected in a La Nina year. I went down to Kitamaat Village for the monthly bird count in a rain squall. So the visibility was pretty bad. As I was about to leave, a half […]