Category: black and white

The calm after the storm: Kitimat River in flood

Tuesday, October 25, 2017 was a beautiful sunny afternoon after four days of storms, snow on Saturday and three days of heavy rain which reached more than 200 millimetres (about eight inches).  The late fall sun was out but the Kitimat River was higher than usual. (Robin Rowland)

A murder of crows along the Kitamaat Village waterfront

A murder of crows flies along the Kitamaat Village waterfront, Sunday, August 13, 2017, during the North West Photo Fest photo walk on the village seawall. Sony A77 with Minolta 500mm f/8 RF mirror lens(Robin Rowland)

Wahtl Creek and Maggie Point in black and white

A belted kingfisher perches on the root of an upturned tree at the mouth of Whatl Creek after days of heavy rain. (Robin Rowland) Harlequin Ducks gather on the shore of MK Bay by Whatl Creek. (Robin Rowland) Harlequin ducks fly past MK Bay (Robin Rowland) A crow flies past Maggie Point. (Robin Rowland) A […]