Category: nature

The varied thrush – one of my favourite local birds in Kitimat

One of my favourite birds in here in Kitimat is the Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius).  There were a lot more than usual this spring for one reason or another. So here is an album of  images. A varied thrush on my back deck.  (Robin Rowland)   There was still snow in a hollow in a […]

Bald eagles battle over a duck

Two bald eagles battle over a duck at Kitimat harbour. Images taken off the shoreline of Kitamaat Village. (Robin Rowland) Another bald eagle watching from above. (Robin Rowland) Splash!  The first eagle swoops down and grabs a duck (hard to see in this image) (Robin Rowland) The second eagle heads skyward with its eye on […]

Birds and water: shots from my trip to England

So what did I do on my summer “vacation”?  I am (semi) retired, so  it isn’t a formal vacation, but I did have some relaxing down time on my trip to England in June. After attending a conference in Liverpool, I went to Stratford-upon-Avon to see the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Julius Caesar, then […]

Moonrise over Mt. Elizabeth

A waxing gibbous moon (91 per cent) rises over Kitimat’s iconic Mt. Elizabeth on a frigid afternoon, Febuary 8, 2017.   The moon begins its climb into the sky near the peak of Mt. Elizabeth. (RobinRowland)   And reaches above the twin peaks. (Robin Rowland) A wider view of the moon over the twin peaks […]