Category: snow

Moonrise over Mt. Elizabeth

A waxing gibbous moon (91 per cent) rises over Kitimat’s iconic Mt. Elizabeth on a frigid afternoon, Febuary 8, 2017.   The moon begins its climb into the sky near the peak of Mt. Elizabeth. (RobinRowland)   And reaches above the twin peaks. (Robin Rowland) A wider view of the moon over the twin peaks […]

A New Year’s photography party on the mudflats of Minette Bay, Kitimat

As the tide goes out, the ice  covering a briny tidal creek collapses, leaving  patterned cracks. Minette Bay, Kitimat January 1. 2016. (Robin Rowland) I spent New Year’s Day on the mudflats of Minette Bay, near Kitimat, with other local photographers.   At low tide,  of course.   Ruth and Howard Mills who run the […]

Digging out in Kitimat

Kitimat blizzard and blackout February 5 to 9, 2015

A “Pineapple Express” brought a major blizzard to the Kitimat region last week, dropping approximately 180 centimetres of snow from the morning of Thursday, February 5, 2015 until the skies cleared late on the afternoon of Saturday, February 7. In my neighborhood, the power first went out at about 3 pm on Thursday, came back […]

Old Burial Ground Cambridge

Harvard Yard in the Boston blizzard of 2003

Boston, like Kitimat, is buried in snow.  I was in Boston, staying in Cambridge for a conference, when the region was hit by a blizzard in December, 2003. According to the Boston Globe, the area has received 196 centimetres of snow so far this winter (77.3 inches).  Kitimat got about 180 centimetres  (70.80) inches during […]

When BC’s Coast Range looks like the southern desert

Since I moved back to Kitimat, I’ve flown from Northwest Regional Terrace-Kitimat airport to Vancouver several times, spring, summer and winter,. There’s always been snow on the mountains.  This year I went down on September 7 and flew back on September 11. On the flight down I looked out and saw the Coast Range mountains. […]

Sunset at Basalt Creek

Sunset on the Skeena

On Friday, February 3, 2012, I was driving to Prince Rupert, BC, to cover the No to Tankers rally the next day for GlobalBC News and Canadian Press  The drive (or train trip) along the lower Skeena is always magnificent, the mighty water has come through the mountains and now when the river widens. The […]