Category: snow

Bedraggled birds in Kitimat’s wet, snowy November

For the past month or so, the weather in Kitimat has been miserable. Even long term residents say this fall (like the entire summer) has been unusually wet.  It’s been snow, rain, snow, rain, snow rain for most of November.   The culprit, according to the experts, is La Nina, which brought too much snow (even […]

Sunset on Douglas Channel, Kitimat

Kitimat, BC is far enough north that in this time of year as we approach the solstice, the summer evenings are long, not the midnight sun of the arctic, but dusk continues for a couple of hours after the sun sets and the pre-dawn twilight comes after just a few hours of darkness. On Saturday […]

A spring walk in the woods with an Android camera II Retrocam B&W

Another selection of images from my Android Galaxy camera phone. These were taken at the same time as the Vignette photos in the last blog but using the black and white setting for the Retrocam. My favourites for black and white are the Fudgecan (circa 1961 when I was growing up in Kitimat.) which have […]

A spring walk in the woods with an Android camera – I

It’s spring in British Columbia’s northwest and most of the heavy snow we had this winter  is long gone. It was warm enough Saturday that I took my shirt off while fixing up the garden. But the drifts remain in low lying areas, like a ravine park close to my house.  So over the past […]

Personal favourite photographs, 2010

Wyett Danes, one year old, drums in the arms of his mother, Mary Danes, both members of  the Hartley Bay Dancers, as their procession enters the recreation centre at Kitamaat Village, BC, May 29, 2010.  Traditional dancing followed a day long “Solidarity Gathering of Nations”  sponsored  by the Haisla and Gita’at First Nations, called to […]

Snow day in Kitimat

Kitimat, in the language of the neighboring Tshimshian  First Nation means “people of the snow,” and Kitimat businesses often call themselves Snow Valley.  And the area has set records for one day snowfall in Canada. Monday Dec. 13, 2010 was not much, just 30 centimetres, and people pretty well kept going about their business, just […]