Tag: Kitimat

International Peace Day contingent

Canada Day Parade in Kitimat, July 1, 2012

The Royal Canadian Legion and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lead the Canada Day parade in Kitimat, BC, July 1, 2012. (Robin Rowland) The Kitimat Marine Rescue Society’s Snowflake Responder in the Canada Day Parade. (Robin Rowland) Bechtel, which is building the Rio Tinto Alcan Kitimat Modernization Project had a small fleet of golf carts […]

Columns of sea smoke rise from Kitimat harbour

Sea smoke at Kitimat on a frigid Jan. 19, 2012

Thursday January 19, 2012 was a frigid day in Kitimat, BC. It was -23 C with a windchill of -38. The warm fresh water from the Kitimat River, flowing into the harbour, was caught between the cold ocean water in the harbour and the frigid air, creating the sea smoke.   Sea smoke usually hugs […]

Christmas bird count, Kitimat river, estuary and harbour Dec. 17, 2011

A trumpeter swan feeds in the Kitimat River Oxbow, during the world wide annual Christmas bird count,  Dec. 17, 2011. The reddish neck comes as the white feathers are stained by high levels of iron oxides in this part of the river as the swan dips into the river to feed. A view of the […]

Bedraggled birds in Kitimat’s wet, snowy November

For the past month or so, the weather in Kitimat has been miserable. Even long term residents say this fall (like the entire summer) has been unusually wet.  It’s been snow, rain, snow, rain, snow rain for most of November.   The culprit, according to the experts, is La Nina, which brought too much snow (even […]

Remembrance Day 2011 in Kitimat, BC

It’s a Kitimat tradition that children lay wreathes on behalf of those who cannot attend the Remembrance Service. A young boy, preparing to lay his wreath, passes a Mountie at the cenotaph. Mounties, Cubs and Brownies. Members of the Kitimat Royal Canadian Legion. Marg Boggert, President of the Kitimat Royal Canadian Legion, Kitimat Mayor Joanne […]