Tag: police

The Ottawa protestors are partying on the 80th anniversary of a real crime against humanity the sook ching massacre in Singapore.

(Warning: This post may be triggering to people or their families who were victims of real crimes against humanity. I didn’t want to raise the temperature of the  Ottawa protest debate but the continuation of the blockades and remembering the anniversary date compelled me to write this). The so-called freedom convoy protestors on the streets […]

Re-elected Harper government to crack down on dual citizens of Beringian origin

A re-elected Harper government would crack down on dual citizens originally from Beringia, sources are saying. The sources say Harper and his advisors consider many Beringians to be a threat to Canada or at least to Harper’s vision of Canada. According to Statistics Canada there were at least 1,400,685  residents of Beringian origin in Canada […]

The G20 and the police. A massive intelligence failure

 Two days after the G20 disturbances in Toronto, it is clear, just from the statements made by police (not demonstrators nor lawyers nor journalists) that there was a massive failure of intelligence by the Integrated Security Unit. That failure of intelligence lead to unjustified mass arrests, imprisonment, and according to a growing number of reports, […]

Photoblog: Olympic torch relay disrupted by demonstrators

I wasn’t assigned to cover the Olympic torch relay on the evening of Thursday Dec. 17, 2009, but ran right into it as I was heading from work to work out at the downtown YMCA. I got to College subway station and saw the crowd waiting for the torch. As I was preparing to make […]