Bluenose II and the 1984 Parade of Sail in Sydney, Nova Scotia

Robin Rowland 


This is one of the my favourite photographs. The Bluenose II sailing off Sydney, Nova Scotia, on July 11, 1984, thirty-one years ago today. I like it because the Bluenose hasn’t set the ships tops’ls and that’s something that you don’t see that often at least in most photographs

After a controversial $19.5 million refit, earlier today the restored Bluenose II arrived at Lunenberg, Nova Scotia to begin it’s summer touring season. You’ll find the sailing schedule on the ship’s official website Bluenose II: Nova Scotia’s Sailing Ambassador.

I had visited Sydney back in 1984 as part of a summer vacation trip to Nova Scotia. The international Parade of Sail celebrating the 450th anniversary of Quebec City, also visited Puerto Rico,  Bermuda, Portsmouth, NH, Gaspe and Halifax.


The tall ships tied up at the dock at Sydney, July 10, 1984. (Robin Rowland)

Technical Data: Minolta X-700, Minolta 135mm prime M mount lens or 50mm prime, Ektachrome colour film. No record of exposures.


The Bluenose II tied up at Sydney, NS on the evening of July 10, 1984. I converted some images to black and white either because the original slide was rather dirty and couldn’t always be completely restored with digital cleanup or because it looked better and more historic in black and white.


And that’s me, July 10, 1984, on the deck of one of the tall ships that was open for touring.  It was just starting to rain.



The Bluenose II leads the United States Coast Guard training vessel USCG Eagle out of Sydney harbour, July 11, 1984. (Robin Rowland)


The Columbian training ship ARC Gloria, leaving Sydney harbour, July 11, 1984. (Robin Rowland)


Some of the smaller sailing yachts, from both Sydney and from the sail “in group” saying farewell to Cape Breton. (Robin Rowland)



In some ways, this photograph could be more than a century old, rather than just 30 years. (Robin Rowland)



The then Soviet training ship, Kruzenshtern, under power, followed by the Gloria, a full square rigger with sails set. (Robin Rowland)


The Kruzenshtern and a second unidentified tall ship heading out to sea from Sydney. (Robin Rowland)



A tall ship (possibly the Gloria) disappears on the horizon. (Robin Rowland)

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Robin Rowland