Summer birding photos in Kitimat

Robin Rowland 

A selection of some of my bird photographs so far for the summer of 2023

Steller’s jay on my backdeck on a sunny afternoon, August 24, 2023 (Robin Rowland)

On August 24, there was a three hour power failure in Kitimat. With not much else to do and because it was a sunny and warm afternoon I sat out on my back deck. One of the steller’s jays that lives in the cedar trees beside my deck decided to join me.

On August 25, a flock of cedar waxwings,  most of them juveniles, descended on the trees in my backyard to sample the berries.

Cedar waxwings sampling the berries in my backyard. (Robin Rowland)

Canada geese over Minette Bay,

Canada geese crossing Kitimat’s Minette Bay, photographed from Minette Bay West Park, August 18. (Robin Rowland)

On August 2, I drove to the old Eurocan pulp mill site, where there is an osprey nest, and then drove a few kilometres on where luckily  at Kitimat harbour I captured one of the ospreys hunting.

Osprey nest, old Eurocan site, Kitimat, August 2, 2023 (Robin Rowland)

Osprey hunting over Kitmat harbour, August 2, 2023 (Robin Rowland)


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Robin Rowland