Category: politics

Polio behind a plastic screen

(Long Read)   It was the late spring of 1957. I was six, just about to turn seven. One afternoon, I was walking home from school when I suddenly began to feel pain in my legs and shoulder. Our house in the temporary Smeltersite settlement in the new town of Kitimat, British Columbia was uphill […]

Rex Murphy, dead at 77, from astute commentator to bitter curmugeon

Rex Murphy, one of Canada’s best known, loved and hated TV commentators and columnists has died at 77. I have mixed feelings about his passing. I was Rex Murphy’s online editor from 1998 to 2003 when I was web producer for CBC’s The National. In those days his writing was superb and he had incitive […]

The Ottawa protestors are partying on the 80th anniversary of a real crime against humanity the sook ching massacre in Singapore.

(Warning: This post may be triggering to people or their families who were victims of real crimes against humanity. I didn’t want to raise the temperature of the  Ottawa protest debate but the continuation of the blockades and remembering the anniversary date compelled me to write this). The so-called freedom convoy protestors on the streets […]

Robert Heinlein’s nightmare vision. The US elects a dictator in 2016.

In the year AD 2100, an evil Dictator rules the United States. He maintains power through the clever use of advanced science and pyschology. And he is backed by a dedicated military clique…. From Robert A. Heinlein, the dean of space-age fiction, comes this thrilling novel of a soldier who dare to defy Authority who […]

Re-elected Harper government to crack down on dual citizens of Beringian origin

A re-elected Harper government would crack down on dual citizens originally from Beringia, sources are saying. The sources say Harper and his advisors consider many Beringians to be a threat to Canada or at least to Harper’s vision of Canada. According to Statistics Canada there were at least 1,400,685  residents of Beringian origin in Canada […]


Marmite kept my father alive.

Updates with CFIA statement saying Marmite not banned When I was a little kid my father insisted—yes insisted—that I eat my Marmite. This morning I woke up to the news that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has apparently banned Marmite, a yeast extract spread, in this country, along with some other British “comfort foods.” (After […]

There’s a reason they call the Toronto night bus the vomit comet

Toronto Executive Committee will soon consider eliminating Toronto’s vital night public transportation service.  (Robin Rowland) Memo to: Toronto Mayor Rob  Ford, the Executive Committee and TPS Chief Bill Blair The Toronto Transportation Commission calls the overnight bus service the Blue Night Network.  But for more than 30 years the outbound buses that move out of […]

The silver lining in the Canadian prorogues, and a black eye for UK democracy

Here in Canada, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has twice prorogued parliament to avoid  political challenges, first the threat of a coalition of the three opposition parties and second a rather unsuccessful attempt to avoid nasty questions about the treatment of Afghan detainees. When Harper porogued  parliament, all the government bills on the order paper died […]