Spring and the stellar jays go for my feeder

Robin Rowland 


View photo gallery Stellar Jays in spring on my back deck


Spring is coming quickly to Kitimat, but with a near-record snowfall this winter, where more than two metres or six feet of snow filled my back deck, it was impossible to get to my feeders.  With most of the snow gone from the deck (not all) I  filled the feeder and put up the feed bag.   So the three pairs of stellar jays that live the cedar trees around my house came swooping down almost immediately. The feeder bag was quickly destroyed and the seed scattered all over the deck.
Images taken with my Sony 850 and Tamron 70-300 through the glass patio door, so I can  get close without disturbing the birds. As well as a selection of the stellar jay images, there is a junco at the feeder and a robin in my garden

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Robin Rowland