Bedraggled birds in Kitimat’s wet, snowy November

Robin Rowland 


For the past month or so, the weather in Kitimat has been miserable. Even long term residents say this fall (like the entire summer) has been unusually wet.  It’s been snow, rain, snow, rain, snow rain for most of November.   The culprit, according to the experts, is La Nina, which brought too much snow (even for Kitimat “people of the snow”) last winter and is expeced to do the same this year.  This bedraggled stellar jay arrived on my deck to peck through the snow at my feeder on Nov. 26, at 1:19 pm.  At the time you couldn’t tell whether it was snowing or raining.

638-rainystellarjay.jpgThis stellar jay perched on the feeder in heavy rain on Oct. 16, 2011

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Robin Rowland