My cat Euri 1997-2015, a life in portraits

Robin Rowland 
One of my favourite shots of my cat Euri, taken in my backyard in Toronto, May 29, 2004. (Robin Rowland)
One of my favourite shots of my cat Euri, taken in my backyard in Toronto, May 29, 2004. (Robin Rowland)

My beloved cat Euri, passed away in his sleep, Monday, September 14, 2015, aged 18 years and six months–which is 90 in human years.

Another favourite shot, taken in Toronto, October 11, 2003. (Robin Rowland)
Another favourite shot, taken in Toronto, October 11, 2003. (Robin Rowland)

Euri was doing fine for an older cat despite his years. On Saturday, as he often did, Euri leapt up beside me on the couch as I watched a movie on DVD. Sometime Sunday afternoon he let out a single loud (probably anguished) meow, but otherwise seemed fine. He curled up on the couch as he usually did Sunday night after I had watched TV (old cats sleep a lot). When I checked him on Monday morning he had passed away.

The first shot I have of Euri, taken on film, sometime in 1998 when he was about a year old. (Robin Rowland)
The first shot I have of Euri, taken on film, sometime in 1998 when he was about a year old. (Robin Rowland)

In April 1997, a colleague at CBC asked me if I wanted a kitten. I said yes and when the tiny ball of fluff arrived, he kept hiding behind one of my bookcases, beside a pile of paperback Greek plays. Because he was as white as a marble statue, I named him Euripedes, after the playwright and Euri for short.

A portrait of Euri among garden flowers, taken on Ektachrome film, sometime in 2002. (Robin Rowland)
A portrait of Euri among garden flowers, taken on Ektachrome film, sometime in 2002. (Robin Rowland)


Another shot from Toronto 2002 in the flower garden (Robin Rowland)
Another shot from Toronto 2002 in the flower garden (Robin Rowland)


Looking up, August 24, 2003. (Robin Rowland)
Looking up, August 24, 2003. (Robin Rowland)


Surveying his territory, September, 2003. (Robin Rowland)
Surveying his territory, September, 2003. (Robin Rowland)


A white cat on Hallowe'en, October 31, 2004. (Robin Rowland)
A white cat on Hallowe’en, October 31, 2004. (Robin Rowland)


For some reason, Euri liked to pose for me. May 6, 2007. (Robin Rowland)
For some reason, Euri liked to pose for me. May 6, 2007. (Robin Rowland)


Wandering through my Toronto garden, Sept. 3, 2007 (Robin Rowland)
Wandering through my Toronto garden, Sept. 3, 2007 (Robin Rowland)


Another shot from Sept. 3, 2007 (Robin Rowland)
Another shot from Sept. 3, 2007 (Robin Rowland)


Here's lookin' at you Robin, April 26, 2010. (Robin Rowland)
Here’s lookin’ at you Robin, April 26, 2010. (Robin Rowland)



Yes this is my bed, not yours. April 26, 2010. (Robin Rowland)
Yes this is my bed, not yours. April 26, 2010. (Robin Rowland)


"What do you mean we're moving to someplace called Kitimat?" April 26, 2010 ( Robin Rowland)
“What do you mean we’re moving to someplace called Kitimat?” April 26, 2010 ( Robin Rowland)


Birthday portrait, April 7. 2011. (Robin Rowland)
Birthday portrait, April 7. 2011. (Robin Rowland)


A portrait in black and white, July 29, 2011 (Robin Rowland)
A portrait in black and white, July 29, 2011 (Robin Rowland)


A birthday in black and white, Euri April 18, 2014. (Robin Rowland)
A birthday in black and white, Euri April 18, 2014. (Robin Rowland)


Another birthday shot, April 18, 2014. (Robin Rowland)
Another birthday shot, April 18, 2014. (Robin Rowland)


Enjoying the sun through my window, Feb. 20. 2015. (Robin Rowland)
Enjoying the sun through my window, Feb. 20. 2015. (Robin Rowland)


Euri my cat
Euri, the Canadian gigilo cat February 25. 2015. (Robin Rowland)


Euri on his eighteenth birthday, April 7, 2015 (Robin Rowland)
Euri on his eighteenth birthday, April 7, 2015 (Robin Rowland)


A last shot of Euri on his eighteenth birthday. (Robin Rowland)
A last shot of Euri on his eighteenth birthday. (Robin Rowland)

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Robin Rowland