Humpback Aurora, eagles, seagulls and sealions

Robin Rowland 
A second year bald eagle and a gull flying between Carr Island and Tugwell Island in Chatham Sound, May 29, 2024 (Robin Rowland)

On our return journey on May 29, 2024, on Prince Rupert Adventure Tours,  heading back to Rupert on Chatham Sound between the large Tugwell Island and the smaller Carr Island we spooted the blow of a humpback whale.

Humpback whale “Aurora” off Tugwell Island, May 29, 2024. (Robin Rowland)

I submitted a photograph of the humpback to  the Happy Whale identification site and the whale was identified as Aurora.

Aurora accompanied by what may be a calf. (Robin Rowland)

Although Happy Whale says Aurora is “sex unknown” it appears the whale was accompanied by a calf.

A sharp eyed second year bald eagle and a gull high over the humpback. (Robin Rowland)

A second year bald eagle appeared to be the first to spot the two humbacks.  It took to the air, soon  accompanied by gulls.

Sea lions follow the humpback. (Robin Rowland)

Sea lions also followed the humpback.

Bald eagles and gulls follow the humpback between Carr Island and Tugwell Island in Chatham Sound (Robin Rowland)
Aurora dives. (Robin Rowland)
Each fluke is unique, like a fingerprint, so that is how the whale is identified. (Robin Rowland)
A shot of the second year bald eagle over head. (Robin Rowland)


Two bald eagles diving for fish as they follow the humpback. (Robin Rowland)
A bald eagle on the hunt between Carr Island and Tugwell Island in Chatham Sound. (Robin Rowland)

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Robin Rowland