Harvest Supermoon rises over Kitimat

Robin Rowland 
Harvest Moon rise over Kitimat Sept 17. (Robin Rowland)

The  Harvest Supermoon rises at 8:32 pm on September 17 over Kitimat through some clouds hugging the mountains. The partial lunar eclipse was not visible here. The moon was below the horizon when the eclipse occurred from 7:12 to 7:44 pm PT in the northwest coast.

The harvest moon peeks through the trees as it rise on Sept. 17. (Robin Rowland)
The harvest moon peeks through the trees as it rise on Sept. 17. (Robin Rowland)


The full moon clears the mountains at 8:54 pm. (Robin Rowland)
The full moon high above the LNG flare on a hazy night in Kitimat, 2:03 am, Sept 18. (Robin Rowland)

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Robin Rowland