Category: BC

Beyond reach

Today is the first day the snow has melted enough that I could go for a walk in the play bush near my home. An American robin was  on a tree branch and kept stretching its neck to try to get berries that were just beyond reach.   After numerous tries, it finally realized it was […]

A murder of crows mob a juvenile bald eagle

There were more crows than usual Sunday morning at the Kitamaat Village waterfront.  Crows perching on old driftwood roots….   …or in the air along the shore line. Suddenly all the crows took to the air….that murder of crows (or as one of the other birders said “it looks like two murders”). It was soon […]

A juvenile steller’s jay learns to crack a nut

  Updated I am lucky enough to be surrounded by the magnificent steller’s jay.   A group of them live in a tall conifer across a small park from my house.  (Unfortunately BC Hydro contractors opened up one part of the tree while rewiring the neighbourhood so the steller’s jays in that tree may be vulnerable.)  […]

The varied thrush – one of my favourite local birds in Kitimat

One of my favourite birds in here in Kitimat is the Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius).  There were a lot more than usual this spring for one reason or another. So here is an album of  images. A varied thrush on my back deck.  (Robin Rowland)   There was still snow in a hollow in a […]

Northern Flicker takes off

A lucky shot of a pair of Northern Flickers. (Colaptes auratus).  They flew into the tree as I was walking by. Grabbed one shot as they perched, then one took off swooping toward me. Lucky shot.

A soggy day in Kitimat harbour as the spring migration comes north

On Thursday, April 19, was a soggy, to say the least, with wind-driven, cold, pouring rain when I went down to Kitamaat Village and Kitimat harbour to photograph the spring bird migration.  The highlight were the snow geese I saw both at MK Bay  (above) and at the Kitamaat Village soccer field. (Robin Rowland) A […]