A rainy evening at Bish Cove, site of the KM LNG project
Bish Cove, down Douglas Channel from Kitimat, is the site of the $3 billion liquified natural gas terminal, the KM LNG (Kitimat LNG facility) project, which could see LNG exported from the proposed giant terminal on tankers to Asia.
At the moment, Bish Cove is only accessible by boat and helicopter. The stormy evening of July 27, 2011 was not the best for taking photos, with heavy overcast, constant rain, fog and smoke on the mountains. It was the first time I was able to visit Bish Cove since the preliminary construction project began.
Construction has just begun and there is no road. Smoke is from burning slash from cleared bush. The next step in the project is to blast the bare rock hillside behind the beach to the left down to close to sea level.

The cinder blocks on the beach are the first steps in building a wharf.

KM LNG artists’ conceptions of how the site in the photographs will eventually look. (Courtesy KM LNG)
Coverage of energy and environment on the northwest BC coast by Robin Rowland in Northwest Coast Energy News.